Reports overview

An unique feature of Web Log Explorer lets you browse with on-the-fly subreports. This lets you easily focus on specific statistic without re-reading log files.

In Web Log Explorer, reports are click-sensitive. This means you can click on any item or selected items to see all subreports related to the item or items. For example, when you see a page views report, you can click a certain page name and see visitors who accessed this page on any day, or a list of referrers that led visitors to this page.

* Clicking column headers to sort and reverse sort

As you can open (Ctrl+1) a frame with subreports in the lower part of a window.

For example, in the Countries report, click on the pie slice that represents US, and you will see all sessions and bandwidth etc. from US.

You can quickly look at statistics for several items having marked them and guide at them the cursor and you will see all sessions and bandwidth etc. for this items.

Also you can mark quickly some records on a mask (Gray+).

The width of columns can be adjusted to better fit your data.

Hover your arrow over the border between the column labels. Then click and drag the border to widen or narrow the size of each cell. The columns to the right will adjust to make room for your changes.

See also:


   Online demo